*thumbs up*
Just very very simple b'day for her..
Sly, the beloved dog..
get some new clothes from his mum foo yvonne *lol*
everyone is attracted by him.
Sly fashion show then...
Snap from the back..*pheww weeett*
New hair cut of the day..
Me and Merv *teehee*
edward place..Merv's cutting his hair..
sis behind
weido post..speechless for myself=.=
10 august 09
is the obsessed sis date again..
cause we're always obsess with each other *giggling*
owh ya, chris joined too..sorry he never take pic..lol
G.I Joe, the movie quite nice..
after movie, Mcd for dinner as always.
chill thr till 10++
we both seperated for our others function...
went to seaside with *The Cullen*
chat lots..*teehee*
drinks,card and chat for waitiing><
Opera heels shop for her new shoes..
Darn!she can buy lots of it for the one time..
Sorry if you couldn't understand my writting..
I'm just a newbie of blogging>.<
Still thx for reading..
owh..at the love one house now..
going out with THE CULLEN later on..
Till then..
have a nice day ppl^^